Madeisy now in Guatemala.

Michael Yon Online


IMG 6555

We chatted long time. Her written English is good. Spoken English not. This is normal. Many Japanese, for instance, write English at even university level but do not speak English.

Madeisy is 16 and seems to write at about high-school level. (Not sure of level, but plenty good to chat — her high intelligence shines through). But when we all met in Colombia, she did not seem to understand spoken English and did not speak English to us. We communicated through Spanish.

Madeisy wants to become pediatrician. Said she loves children.

I told Madeisy to memorize all important phone numbers and addresses. Not just cities and States but actual addresses.

Memorize important email addresses.

Memorize passport number, and memorize passport issue and expiration date.

Make sure Michael, her 12 year-old brother, does same. Pretend as though you have lost everything and must first contact Mother, then rest of family. How will you do this?

Memorize everything.

Email contact information to yourself and to brother and to Mother. You are Captain Madeisy. You are in charge. Take control of you and your brother.

Am concerned they will make it into America without their Mother, or become separated, or completely robbed. They will soon enter Mexican cartel country. Everything goes.

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Posted Apr 04 2021, 03:30 AM by Michael Yon - Online Magazine