Abandoned Mosque

Michael Yon Online



09 November 2011

We came into an abandoned Mosque.  The village was empty other than enemy.  Outside, a Soldier found a piece of fuse from an artillery or mortar round.  The roof of the mosque appeared to have taken fire from the air.  Hours earlier, Chazray Clark had stepped on a bomb and been evacuated by helicopter. Inside the mosque was a notebook wherein someone had been practicing English, and then we came under a brief small arms attack.  I sat down with the notebook on my lap and photographed every page.

The next day, another Soldier would be killed about fifty meters from this mosque.   An Afghan triggered the bomb and died on the spot.  A piece of his American weapon landed far away.

Read the complete post at http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/michaelyon-online/~3/qUf8gLyjid4/abandoned-mosque.htm

Posted Nov 09 2011, 05:15 AM by Michael Yon - Online Magazine
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