Kabul: US Forces in Swift Retrograde

Michael Yon Online


Untitled 3

We still have at least one C-17 on the ground. Another just turned on beacon in flight. A tanker is heading that direction. Several other C-17s recently left Afghan airspace and still flying.

According to a solid source, Taliban is keeping many people trapped at the Gate. US forces not at the gate now and turned away at gunpoint US citizens with US passports. (Lara Logan told me this on phone.)

We are leaving Americans behind literally at the Gate.

Danger is severe. Taliban can attack remainder of our forces at their leisure. Our forces are within small arms range of the enemy.

Biden has been busy evacuating tens of thousands of Afghans while leaving Americans behind.


Read the complete post at http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/michaelyon-online/~3/K20xjcscVnU/kabul-us-forces-in-swift-retrograde.htm

Posted Aug 29 2021, 07:29 AM by Michael Yon - Online Magazine