Iraq: Inside the Inferno – Foreword by CSM Jeff Mellinger

Michael Yon Online


13 July 2011

below is the Foreword that Command Sergeant Major Jeff Mellinger wrote for INFERNO. Jeff is a true warrior. We met in 2005 as I wrote about in the dispatch series, WALKING THE LINE.

Since then, CSM Jeff Mellinger and I have traveled thousands of miles together across some rough Iraq terrain as he ventured into the most dangerous parts of the war. He is always in the lead.

With nearly forty years of service, CSM Jeff Mellinger remains the last draftee from the Vietnam era to continuously serve. Many networks and newspapers (in many languages) featured Jeff's extraordinary service last week:

ABC News

The Huffington Post

In Iraq, Jeff was the Multi-National Force-Iraq Command Sergeant Major, and served more than 33 continuous months. I'm fortunate that Jeff generously lent his time to INFERNO by reviewing many drafts with my editor. He also penned a few thoughts in the Foreword, beginning with a day in January, 2005, when he met a newly arrived writer in Iraq...and how he told that writer to take a hike...

Thank you, Jeff.





Read the complete post at–-foreword-by-csm-jeff-mellinger.htm

Posted Jul 13 2011, 02:53 PM by Michael Yon - Online Magazine
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