INSIDE THE INFERNO: Book Delivery Update

Michael Yon Online


My friends, 

Quick update on INFERNO, our latest and biggest book project: it’s nearing completion. I’m reviewing final pages with photographs this week. But, I'm sorry to say, we won’t quite have it ready for Christmas.

 A project like this takes a small army to see through. It has been a huge undertaking, and my dedicated support and editing team has been working long days, nights, and weekends for months to help me prepare this book and get the details right. The logistics involved have further complicated our efforts, with me on my current mission in Afghanistan, Nepal, Thailand, and Korea, and my team in the States. It’s been a challenge.

The team has sifted through and selected from more than 250,000 photographs from my time in Iraq. (A quarter of a million!) I lived it, but it's still hard for me to comprehend the scope of this story, what our military and the people of Iraq lived through—and achieve. You’ll see it on the pages we are preparing.

We have been pushing as hard as we can to get it done, but my publisher and I made the call this weekend to push our delivery deadline in order to see the project through without compromise.

This means INFERNO will be out in mid-January. (I will be posting the exact day it will be available at the end of next week.) Once you see it, I believe you’ll agree it was worth the wait.

Those of you who pre-ordered the book will get it within days of its coming off the press. I want to especially thank you for your patience and for helping us toward our goal of raising $50,000 for Soldiers Angels as quickly as possible.  When you pre-order the book, the funds get to Soldiers Angels that much more quickly.

I will keep you updated on the book over the coming weeks and on the progress of our goal to raise $50,000 for Soldiers' Angels.

As always, thank you for your continued support.



Your writer

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Posted Dec 07 2010, 09:21 PM by Michael Yon - Online Magazine
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