What Are Forums
Forums enable interactive collaboration between individuals through the web browser, email distribution lists, and other means.
What Are Groups
The primary function of the Groups page is to provide you with access to all of your community’s groups. A group is a mini-community with its own membership consisting of up to one blog, media gallery, and forum.
Groups Overview
Welcome to the Social Network of Care. This social networking platform is especially designed for the local and state social-services community.
Veterans, older adults, kids at risk, behavioral-health consumers, residents working to make their communities healthier – all aspects of health
and human-service interests are found here.
Whether you are a consumer, family member, professional group or service provider, this is the one
place in the nation where you can communicate with your peers and get connected.
The Social Network of Care has the full range of social networking
tools and is free to anyone. The Social Network of Care is also safe, secure, and advertisement-free.